10 Common Tempered Glass Uses
You’ve probably noticed how so much of the stuff you see around you is made of glass. And it’s not just any glass, but a safer and stronger kind called tempered glass.
What are the Uses of Tempered Glass
These are just some of the many uses of tempered glass:
Mobile device
Your laptop screen and smartphone display are all made of tempered glass. So are the heavy-duty screen protectors you use to keep your phone and tablet screens scratch-free.
Kitchen appliances
Tempered glass is used in ovens, stoves, and other kitchen appliances that deal with great amounts of heat.
Automotive parts
Tempered glass makes vehicle windows safer. Instead of creating large shards when they break, tempered glass windows disintegrate into small, harmless pieces.
Construction uses
Tempered glass is used in numerous ways in the construction of a house. Shower doors, bathtub enclosures, sliding doors, windows, skylights, glass facades, elevators, swimming pools, and glass balcony doors can all be made of tempered glass.
Sports arena
The glass panels around a hockey rink and in some sports arenas are made of tempered glass.
Office partitions
The room dividers in your office building are made of tempered glass so that they won’t cause injury when an employee bumps into and accidentally break them.
Retail store fixtures
The display cases and tables in retail stores are made of tempered glass because they’re tough enough that they won’t break when someone tries to steal something. Yet they’re also crystal clear, which allows customers to see what’s on display.
The glass railings in department stores, offices, and commercial and public spaces are made of tempered glass for the public’s safety.
Countertops and tabletops
Because they withstand heat and resist scratches so well, tempered glass is often used to make conference tables, kitchen countertops, reception desks, coffee tables, and other types of furniture.
Solar panels
The thermal strength, heat resistance, and durability of tempered glass make it the ideal material for solar panels.